Welcome to Mel Green Movement.

Below are the Terms and Conditions for working with our company, and, upon signing up on the Newie Link, replaces any previous terms you may have signed in connection with our business. As a client of Mel Green Movement, you confirm that you are of legal age in your country to participate in our services. 

Minimum Commitment 

Mel Green Movement have a minimum 12 week commitment period for all Coaching services. You are expected, and required to commit to this term upon signing up for your chosen service through the Newie app.

If you decide to cancel during this period, you will be required to pay the 12 weeks in full.

Re-scheduling Policy

A minimum of 12 hours notice is required if you wish to cancel or reschedule your session. If a cancellation is to occur within 12 hours before your session, you will forfeit that session.  You may re-schedule your session free of charge up until the minimum 12 hour notice.

Mel Green Movement is understanding of exacerbating circumstances and has the authority to waive cancellation fees under suitable circumstances. 

Payment of Service 

  1. You will be required to pay for your services via Newie direct debit (Stripe). 

  2. You may be subject to a 2.9% + $0.30 transaction fee. 

  3. You may choose to pay in weekly , fortnightly or pay in full instalments. The frequency you choose will automate a direct debit. 

  4. If a payment fails, you will be required to make payment at your first convenience. If you do not, you will be at risk of your service being put on a temporary or permanent hold. 

  5. In the event of a payment failure, a dishonour fee may be applied.  The payment system will automatically try to recharge your card. 

  6. If you have any changes to your bank card, bank account or payment method, you are required to let (Mel Green Movement) know immediately and inform via email. 

  7. We may at any time, at our discretion, adjust the cost of your online coaching at the end of your minimum commitment period. If this is to occur, we are required to provide you at least 14 days’ notice in writing to your nominated email address. This will come into effect in your next payment following the end of the notice period.

  8. Refunds are not applicable with your service. Unless approved under extreme compassionate circumstances, (this will be assessed on a case-by-case basis); if a refund is approved, a $50 cancellation/admin fee will be deducted from the total amount.

Cancellation of your service 

You are required to provide 14 days notice to cancel your service. If you are within your minimum commitment period, you are to provide as much notice as possible that you would like to cancel your service at the end of the period. Cancellation notices are to be provided in writing to MelGreenCoach@gmail.com or to Mel via WhatsApp.

Mel Green Movement is understanding of exacerbating circumstances and has the authority to waive cancellation fees under suitable circumstances.  

Pause Periods 
A minimum of 3 days' notice is required to pause your service, and pauses are not valid during your minimum commitment period. Failure to provide adequate notice may result in 100% of the next payment being due.

  1. Your service can be put on hold for up to 14 days following your minimum commitment period.

  2. You are to provide at least 3 days notice for your service to be paused. 

  3. Pause periods are not valid in your minimum commitment period. 

  4. Your program will be put on hold, and your app access may be removed during this time period. 

Medical Disclaimer 

  1. Upon signing up with our program, you will be required to fill in a PARQ form through our training app. If you disclose any pre-existing medical conditions and/or disability, you will be required to provide a doctor's referral. 

  2. Mel Green Movement will be providing you with advice, techniques and instructions on how to complete physical activities. You understand you are solely responsible for your safety and wellbeing when training. 

  3. You agree to not hold Mel Green Movement accountable for any injuries or medical conditions that may occur during your time with Mel Green Movement.

  4. You understand that any advice provided to you is not medical advice, nor do they substitute for a consulting professional 

  5. You acknowledge that any nutritional advice provided by Mel Green Movement is general in nature and may not be tailored to your specific needs or medical conditions. For detailed nutritional guidance, you should consult a registered dietician and/or a general practitioner.

  6. You understand that we do not provide diagnosis, treatment or advice outside of our scope of work. 


  1. We do not accept liability or any injury or illness sustained during or after our service. By using our service, you accept all risks and take responsibility for your own safety. 

  2. You understand that results are not guaranteed, and it is solely your responsibility to ensure you are following the guidance of your program to assist in achieving results.

Service Terms 


  1. You are expected to respond in a timely manner and be polite in your communication with Mel Green Movement.

  2. Derogatory comments, defamation or slurs will not be tolerated and your service will be cancelled immediately. 


  1. You are expected to complete your check in on time. If you do not, you accept that your results may be impacted. 

  2. If you do not submit your check in on time, your check in may be missed and reviewed in the following week. 

Intellectual Property 

  1. You understand that Mel Green Movement may use your videos and/or photos of the client to market and promote their service. You are not entitled to any compensation of this use. 

  2. You will gain access to educational content including but not limited to e-books, meal plans, nutrition guides, spreadsheets. You are not permitted to copy or distribute this. If you do, your service will be cancelled immediately. 

Personal Information 

  1. You understand that your personal information will be collected and stored for the purpose of your service. Your personal information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with a third party without your consent. 

Upon signing up for online coaching services, you hereby consent to being added to the email mailing list of Mel Green Movement. You acknowledge that you may receive promotional and informational emails from Mel Green Movement, and may opt-out of the mailing list at any time by following the unsubscribe link provided in the emails.